Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Mujahideen weapons training

Mujahideen weapons training: the arms profession is a dangerous profession! I kid thee not!


Russian word "Spassiba!" in English is "Thank you!", in French "S...pas si bas !" is translated more or less as "Hey, not so low!"

Sunday, 6 March 2011

UK defence capability is seriously in trouble

Will the UK be able to even defend its borders when it comes to the crunch? Troop size being cut down to a staggering number, defence equipment are equally being cut down to size as well, defence procurements shelved... 

What UK Defence Secretary Liam Fox predicted in July last year is now becoming true

From The Daily Telegraph:. UK MoD to downsize armed forces -- 11,000  troops (the size of the entire UK contingent in Afganhistan) to be sacked within months

British Army today: 100,290 Tomorrow? 95,290 -- Royal Navy today: 35,650 Tomorrow? 32,350 Royal Air Force today 39,750 Tomorrow? 37,050

There is every chance the UK navy might not be able to deploy in case of full-scale conflict between the two Koreas

One solution? France and UK joining nuclear submarine forces is the right way to go

Cross posted from Hillblogger3

Monday, 3 January 2011

Best wishes for the New Year!

Photo by Hillstation1